Archive for the ‘ Thought & Meditation ’ Category

The Art of Peace and the Science of Living

A talk by Wayne Gatfield, in which he’ll be investigating how to find the calm centre of peace amidst the turmoil of daily life. Sponsored by the Foundation for Theosophical Studies

Presented to Bangor Lodge, 28th May 2013.

Occult Meditation: The transformational core of the world’s spiritual traditions

A talk presented by Jonathan Darrall-Rew.

Conventional physics now confirms the occult maxim that we live in a world of energies and forces. As humanity evolves mystical meditation leads to occult meditation and man becomes a knowing participant in both the unfolding of his divine centre and that of the entire planetary life. This is brought about by occult meditation. Jonathan’s talk gives an introduction to this tradition of transformation.

Presented to Bangor Lodge, 8th February, 2011

February 19th, 2011  in Thought & Meditation No Comments »